The story behind Agdir

Discover the origins of Agdir: a story of innovation born from a simple conversation. Learn how a meeting with a local farmer near Arendal ignited our mission to revolutionize farming with technology

Get started

How Agdir got started

In 2017, the foundation of Agdir was laid following a encounter between our founders and a local potato farmer just outside Arendal, Norway.

What began as casual conversation quickly delved into the real challenges faced daily on the farm. As they discussed the complexities of modern farming, a vision for a simpler, tech-driven future took root.

This meeting not only sparked the idea for Agdir but also set in motion a journey toward developing innovative solutions tailored to ease the burdens of farmers everywhere.

Join our team

Meet our team

Our dedicated team combines expertise in agritech with a passion for sustainable farming solutions. Meet the minds propelling us toward a greener future.

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We’re ready to work with you!

Are you looking to make a meaningful impact in agriculture? At Agdir, we’re ready to collaborate with forward-thinking individuals and teams. Join us as we create cutting-edge solutions that empower farmers and reshape the agricultural landscape.

Join our team

Come and join our team at Agdir

Are you passionate about driving change and eager to contribute to a sustainable future? At Agdir, we're looking for innovative minds to join our team as we pioneer new technologies in agriculture. Come be a part of a company where your work not only advances farming but also supports farmers globally in achieving more with less.

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